Marking system
BRonze 70.00 - 79.99
SIlver 80.00 - 84.99
High Silver 85.00 - 89.99
Gold 90.00 - 92.99
High Gold 93.00 - 94.99
Royal Gold 95+

First time competitor who has never competed prior to this season and has less than three years trainging in any area of dance
First time competitor who has not competed prior to this competitive season, but has been training three or more years of dance in any style
Pre- Competitive
Less than six Hours of Training per week
Over six hours of training per week
Combination of professionals and amateur dancers performing together in a competitive Routine
Any dancer who is attending university or a secondary program after high school
Receiving PRofessional training/studies/working in the dance industry (Teaching dance classes/ performing/ certificate programs/ university dance training/ etc) Any dancer who teaches more than eight hours a week, or is receiving $2,500.00 per year or more from dance related profession is considered a professional